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YA Fanatic

Librarian who loves everything about books. Generally read Young Adult.
Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography - Neil Patrick Harris

I suppose I read this the "wrong" way. Its a different type of autobiography in which you're supposed to follow the instructions and choose which direction you want the story to go by choosing different pages NPH directs you to go. I read it straight through afraid I was going to miss something if I didn't.


Neil Patrick Harris, most known for his recent hit show, How I Met Your Mother. But also starring in several Broadway's, hosting award shows, and writing books. Write your own biography and choose which direction you, as NPH want your life to go.


I did enjoy certain parts of this, NPH'S obsession with magic, his time on HIMYM, how he went about hosting the Emmy's. Things I knew about him. But this isn't the type of biography I would fall in love with. While a clever way to write a book, it's flaw lies in with people like me who just read all the way through...