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YA Fanatic

Librarian who loves everything about books. Generally read Young Adult.

Paperboy Book Review

Paperboy - Vince Vawter

I'm having trouble finding decent books this year. Have yet to fall in love with one yet. Paperboy is being said to be just as well done as To Kill A Mockingbird - absolutely not. While it has some of the same themes, it comes no where close to the writing style and brilliance that is To Kill A Mockingbird


Little Man, an eleven year old who can't talk because he stutters, has never been able to hold a real conversation with adults or children his age. When he's left doing the paper run he's forced to learn to communicate with several odd people on his route. 


I found this mostly boring. A repetetive story of a young boy's paper route. I appreciate that it is about a child who stutters and has trouble talking to people. I just couldn't get interested in it. The character comes off fairly dull and because he stutters there's absolutely no comma's or hardly any grammar, not a fan.