120 Following

YA Fanatic

Librarian who loves everything about books. Generally read Young Adult.

Reading Goals 2016

1. GoodReads Challenge: I'm making my goodreads challenge a bit lower this year as I did not beat my 2015 of 200, just 20 books short. Grad school got in the way a bit. So I'm going to make it 150 books in 2016. 


2. Classic Challenge: I did poor on this, I read two or three last year and want to do better so I'm joining the classic challenge and going to try and read one classic a month. Including children's classics. 


3. Newberry Award: Also continuing this. I got pretty far as there are A LOT of winners. So I'm continuing this challenge and should easily finish.


4. Branch Out: I read a lot of young adult. But as a librarian I want to branch out more, I did that last year with graphic novels. This year I want to focus on adult mysteries and contemporary.  


5. Reread favorites: I want to take time this year to re-read some of my favorites. Definitely going to start with Harry Potter.