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Traveler Book Review

Traveler (Seeker) - Arwen Elys Dayton

This is a really enjoyable fantasy series. For a second book in a trilogy I found Traveler fairly fast paced and exciting It was a bit slow in the middle but I never felt like I wanted to put it down. The third one is coming out in spring of 2017 and I'm definitely excited to find out how this ends. 


Picking right up where Seeker left off, Shinobu and Quinn find themselves resting after the wreckage and the fight with John. But rest doesn't come easily when everyone is after seekers and their asthame's. Quinn and Shinobu delve deeper into their destiny and family's secrets. 


The backstory behind with Catherine was actually my favorite part about this book. Her story was so heart wrenching even when we knew how it was going to end. You can't help but feel bad for John. 


Again, there are a lot of characters in this one. I also enjoyed John and his training with Maud. I definitely loved Shinobu and Quinn and the plot with the focal. I think the characters I cared for the least were the watchers, Nott and his fellow evil friends. They didn't really interest me and I could have done without them.


Now just have to wait for the release of the final book. This doesn't leave as much of a cliffhanger book one did but it definitely leaves you wanting more.