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YA Fanatic

Librarian who loves everything about books. Generally read Young Adult.

Off the Page Book Review

Off the Page - Samantha van Leer, Jodi Picoult

Meh. This was okay. I actually think I would have loved this when I was in high school. But as a mid twenty year old adult I felt way too old for the plot line. I do like Jodi Picoult but I think I'll stick to her adult books. 


Oliver is out of the two dimensional world (his classic picture book) and living in the real world. At first Delilah is thrilled. Her prince boyfriend from her favorite story come to life? But then she realizes she has to share him with the rest of the school. Things aren't the way they were supposed to be. And now they have the two worlds mixed together and a big mess to follow with it. 


I didn't care for this audio book either. I dislike when they have a cast of people reading but they only read their characters in their chapters and not throughout the whole book. It creates a major disconnection for me and probably other listeners as well. 


Delilah annoyed me. But I suppose she's a typical 16 year old teenager falling in love with her fantasy boyfriend. Again, I would have liked this much more if I had read it as a teenager. 


Not my favorite. I like the concept. But not something I'll remember in a few years to come.