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Echo Book Review

Echo by Pam Munoz Ryan (2015-02-24) - Pam Muñoz Ryan

This is a beautiful story, told in three different point of views. Frederich, Michael and Frankie, and ending with Julie's story. All of one thing in common, their love of music and how inspiring it is. And that's what I loved about this story. It's long, a bit tedious at times. But so well written.


Frederich is living in World War II Nazism. He's a boy with a talent for conducting, but gets made fun of it on a daily basis. Then Michael and Frankie, brothers living in a boys home are adopted by a family who might just want to keep them and make their lives better, both are musically talented at playing the harmonica and the piano. And finally Ivy, forced to move with her family and a new school where she is secluded because of her race.


These three parts were beautiful. I especially liked Michael and Frankie's story and their love for one another.


I highly recommend you listen to the audio book. Because wow, I can't imagine getting the full impact without hearing the music of the harmonica and the piano throughout.


My only complaint was that I wanted a bit more from the ending. But, it is a truly inspiring, heartbreaking and beautiful story that is well worth time time and listen (or read).