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Queen of Hearts Book Review

Queen of Hearts (Queen of Hearts Saga #1) - Colleen Oakes

 3.5/5 Stars


Imagine what the queen was like as a child. Queen of Hearts tells us the story of young Dinah and what her life was like growing up in the well known, Alice in Wonderland world. There were things I liked and didn't like about this version. 


Dinah has been the princess everyone has ignored. Her father hates her and only cares for her sister. Wordley is the only one that pays any attention to her. But then mysterious dreams come and strange things start to happen within the castle and Wonderland. Dinah and Wordley must travel to dark parts of their world to figure out just what is going on. 


This is a book that has its ups and downs. I really would have liked more back story with Dinah, but I suppose the author may have assumed we know enough about Alice in Wonderland. 


A good recommendation for someone looking for another fantasy/childhood retelling.