This took a while to grow on me, but in the end I liked it more than that. Its a fairly slow paced science fiction type of book. There is more romance than not. Which I didn't necessarily want in this story, but the characters are enjoyable enough that you might not mind the relationships. The ending leaves you wanting more, and the cover is just stunning!
Nemesis is a diabolic. Created to be lethal, to protect the heir to the galactic senate and have zero feelings. But Nemesis isn't your typical diabolic. And when she's thrust into, politics she has to become her galactic senate, Sidonia. Along the way Nemesis finds that she may be more human than she thought, is it possible for a diabolic to have feelings?
I liked Nemesis, I like who the story has the overall theme of humanity and how it explores that everyone has good and evil within them. I'd say my biggest dislike was that I found it easy to forget that these characters were in space a lot of the time, its more heavy on the relationship than anything else.