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YA Fanatic

Librarian who loves everything about books. Generally read Young Adult.

Currently Reading and June to Be Read Books (Hopefully)....

I'm currently reading

1. Flygirl

2. Sabotaged (listening to)


Planning on reading (have a pile of books on my nightstand in a certain order to hopefully get through this month) - as well as books to listen to while driving.


1. Fallen will disappear on my nook on June 6th so I should easily be able to have it done by then.

2. The Girl Who Was Supposed to Die

3. Bomb

4. Wolrd After

6. Fugitive X

7. The Treatment

6. Abandon (Meg Cabot)

7. Take Me On (will most likely start this as soon as I pick it up at the library this week - have been very excited about Katie Mcgarry's new book)!


Planning on listening to


2. Shadows

3. Fat Kid Rules the World 

4. The Fault In Our Stars (might start this week instead, want a refresh with the movie coming out)


I could possibly listen to more, but I'm not driving as much so I see it averaging around four books there.


It'll be interesting to see how far I get..I have a huge pile of library books in the car to read still (this is what happens when you work at a library and don't get fined - constantly bring home books!)