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Requiem Book Review

Requiem - Lauren Oliver

Requiem, the third and final book in the Delirium series. And for the most part, I wasn't totally disappointing. There are some plot lines that I didn't like how they ended up. But the overall ending and thought out politics left me pleased.


Alex is back but Lena has Julian. The government resistance is getting stronger by the day. Taking over the wilds and enforcing stricter and stronger rules. Nothing is safe anymore.


Hannah, Lena's used to be best friend is smack in the middle of those politics. Now having taken the cure, she's set to be married to the mayor's son, Fred Hargrove. The closer she is to marrying him the more she realizes he isn't who he portrays himself.


In this book we see a new POV, Hannah. Switching back between Hannah and Lena this book closes the entire story of the Delirium theme. I actually liked Hannah's POV more than Lena's most of the time. I'm not sure if that's a good thing, especially since Hannah was barely in most of the series.


The best character in this story is Fred Hargrove because boy is he a character to hate. And I hated him. Especially while listening to this.


The entire Julian and Alex story line is boring, annoying, repetitive, and ended badly. Definitely my least favorite part of this series. Even though the point is for her to fall in love and hit the Delirium, the triangle felt unnecessary.


An extremely fun series to listen to and my favorite by Lauren Oliver. I wasn't a fan of Panic at all. If you're looking for another Dystopian I definitely recommend this one.


Audio Book: So much fun. I love, love, love Sarah Drew from Greys, and she's just as fantastic reading this. In fact, if they ever do a Delirium movie, I want her as Lena.